While there are horror films out there that are clever and have deep metaphoric statements, most of them are just fun bits of hacky slashing and gore, with a little sex sprinkled on top. And obviously the characters in these films aren't the sharpest tools in the shed (ironic, since that's what's usually used to kill them), or they wouldn't be in some of these daft situations. I've mentioned "Pet Semetary" before, and Louis Creed's terrible decision making skills. Having had terrible results with his daughter's cat, he decides to bury his dead toddler in the magic Indian burial grounds. Seriously? It didn't work the first time, why would you think it would work this time?! And than, when Gage comes back to life and kills his mom and their neighbor, Louis buries his wife in the same place! What, did he think "third times a charm"? And while I'm on it, why did Fred Gwynne tell him about it in the first place? He knew it was evil, and he not only told Louis about it, but showed him where it was and encouraged him to use it! "Hey, there's this evil thing that you've never heard of, and you should never go there! Hey, let's take a walk! I'll show you where it is and tell you how to use it! Bring that dead cat!"
Also, if you live right next to a major highway, and you have small children, build a damn fence!